Lighthouse Within
Welcome to the Lighthouse Within Podcast. I’m Raina Rose, a coach and psychology nerd passionate about creating a space where you can come as you are and find connection through reflection. Through solo episodes and meaningful shared conversations, we’ll dive into the beauty of self-exploration, the power of authentic connection, and the courage it takes to show up, expand, and embrace our truest selves. Most of all, we’ll remind each other that we’re never alone in this beautiful, messy human experience and there is always an opportunity to come home to ourselves. Each episode is an invitation to pause, reflect, and deepen the connection we have to our unique inner light. So let’s get cozy - and shine together.
Lighthouse Within
#12 Reconnecting with Your Inner Child: Finding Joy and Self-Compassion
In this episode of Lighthouse Within, we explore the power of reconnecting with your inner child—a vital part of you that holds your past experiences, emotions, and unmet needs. Whether the holidays bring up nostalgia or you’re just looking to reconnect with that playful, authentic part of you, now is the perfect time to reflect on how nurturing your inner child can lead to greater joy and self-compassion.
Through personal experience and research from experts like Dr. Gabor Maté, we discuss how childhood experiences shape adult behavior and how healing your inner child can transform your emotional well-being. You’ll learn practical ways to meet the needs of your inner child, reframe past struggles, and even discover how parenting or observing children can offer opportunities to reconnect with your innate sense of wonder and play.
Join me as we dive into how offering love, stability, and creativity to your inner child can lead to greater authenticity and fulfillment in your adult life.
Book recommendations:
1. The Origins of You: How Breaking Family Patterns Can Liberate the Way We Live and Love | By Vienna Pharaon
2. The Inner Child Workbook: What to do with your past when it just won't go away | By Cathryn L. Taylor